Updated Notable Quotes

“The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.”

Ayn Rand, Russian-American  Philosopher and Renowned Author








You wouldn’t even want this guy teaching a class in elementary school let alone being vice president of the United States.

Alex Marlowe, October 6th, 2016


“Progressives won’t understand his tax returns anyway. We know this won’t stop them from interpreting incorrectly and spinning it out of control.  Trump is a very smart man. You know he files them honesty. After all he knows he is going to get audited. I hope he never releases them. The spin masters will lie unrelentingly. “

Notaloon, October 2, 2016



“It is ironic that American institutions of higher education suppress free speech and thorough discourse by banning Milo.  Yes, Villanova, I am talking about you.”

Notaloon, September 29, 2016





“I can guarantee you that she cannot pass the background check law enforcement must pass.”

Joe, Law Enforcement Professional September 29, 2016

honorable hillary clinton




“He is speaking at a black church, which is not equivalent to speaking to a black church.”

Lawrence Glass, President of the Council of Baptist Pastors of Detroit and Vicinity, September 3, 2016



Islamic Center of Murfreesboro in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, United States Of America
Islamic Center of Murfreesboro in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, United States Of America

“If we are practicing Muslims, we are above the law of the land.”

Mustafa Carroll, Director of the Dallas CAIR , 2016



“Humpty Dumpty will not be put back together again.”

Anonymous August 2016
“You do not truly appreciate evil when you look at it.  You appreciate what it is when it looks back….When that episode happens , what are you going to do about it?”Del.Nicholas J. Freitas   Culpeper (R-30)



On Global Warning’s Dishonesty  – see link

gore on global warming

The plan is to allow Third World countries to emit as much carbon dioxide as they wish — because, as Edenhofer said, “in order to get rich one has to burn coal, oil or gas” — while at the same time restricting emissions in advanced nations. This will, of course, choke economic growth in developed nations, but they deserve that fate as they “have basically expropriated the atmosphere of the world community,” he said.

Edenhofer, who co-chaired the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change working group on Mitigation of Climate Change from 2008 to 2015.

“This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history.”

Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change
global warming
 “Islam does not mean peace.  Islam means submission.”    
Anjem Choudary    
“This willful ignorance must stop.”  
Robert Spencer
“So he found out that lying is the best way to become a success in this country as a president. He’s now 53, 55%. And this is after he told 200 more lies. As soon as he tells the truth he is in trouble so he tells himself, the American people are either stupid or ignorant. And the truth is that he’s right. Because he becomes more popular every time he makes up another fake story.
Now who would believe that a normal person would hear about a guy who gave you 500 million dollars or four hundred million dollars, then the people were released and there’s no connection? And he says it with a straight face. As if he’s in a sanitarium. You would think he’s in an asylum.  You would never know he’s the head of a country. You would think he was talking to people who are in straitjackets. Because it’s inconceivable that he thinks that a normal person would believe it.”
Jackie Mason, August 2016
Jackie Mason
Jackie Mason
“You would have to be Helen Keller not to see what is in that book!”
Mark Levin on “Clinton Cash” August 11, 2016
clinton cash graphic novel
“… It is obvious that it was a huge networking operation, funding, supporting, and giving jobs to the entire Clinton retinue, waiting for her accession, for the Clintons to return to the White House.”
Charles Krauthammer, August 10, 2016




“I have acknowledged repeatedly that using two email accounts was a mistake and I take responsibility for that but I do think having him say that my answers to the FBI were truthful and, then I should quickly add, that what I said was consistent with what I said publicly and that’s really in my view ties my both ends together.”

On being short-circuited

Hillary Clinton  August 5, 2015


“The Russians didn’t create an unsecure private server. Hillary did.”

Newt Gingrich July 27, 2016




“How could private emails about yoga schedules, wedding plans and such be a matter of national security?”

Common Sense July 27, 2016

sanitarium shutterstock


“Nazi Germany was not defeated with hashtags.”

Paul Watson, July, 2016

Nice, Bastille Day, 2016
Nice, Bastille Day, 2016


“There is only a single belief that Hillary and Notaloon share and that belief  is this:   Comey is a liar.”

Notaloon, July 10, 2016 

Notaloon at Home
Notaloon at Home


“But …. with respect to elderly feminists’ loyalty to the Clintons, when you give up your integrity to defend someone, you are all the more invested in the defense.”

James Taranto, The Wall Street Journal, July 5, 2016

Hillary for america


“Western governments remain dangerously blind to the danger of Islamization. Islam is a religion of peace, they say but that is a lie…”

“Reject the fatalism. Islamization is not inevitable. The first thing we need to do is recognize that Islam, and nothing but Islam, is the cause of our problems, and the next thing is to close our doors to Islamic intolerance… all immigration from Islamic countries.”

Geert Wilders, June 20war zone middle east shutterstock




“….We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation.   …..It is important for western countries to avoid impeding Muslim citizens from practicing religion as they see fit.” 

President Obama


“It’s not about guns. It’s about jihadi ideology. You can ban every gun in America and jihadis will still get them and they’ll still kill Americans.”

Dr. Sebastian Gorka, June 2016


gorka book



 “We have to be careful of Snopes.  Do not believe they know what they are talking about or that they report thoroughly.  Focus on finding the truth.”
Notaloon, June 2016


“I thought we had more time.  I was wrong.”

Stefan Molyneux, June 2016



“Disgraceful if, in this life where your body does not fail, your soul should fail you first.”

Marcus Aurelius, AD 121-180

hitler as a baby

concentration camps


“What we, as Americans, all want is safety and freedom. The government is offering us neither. There is only one way out of this mess and it is to become our own and each other’s protectors, to reject and expel the Muslim ideology that is antithetical to our own, and to get the establishment out, which includes Hillary and Abedin and Obama and Jarrett, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the infiltrated Homeland Security, et.al   It means the left and the gay left need to ‘man up’ and have some balls. We all do. We have quite a battle in front of us.”

Notaloon June 19, 2016

betrayal loyalty



“Saying someone went to Saudi Arabia, but probably didn’t go for vacation, solely because of the color of their skin or their religion is actually very offensive.”

Statement regarding Omar Mateen from

a twenty-something female college grad, June 2016

sanitarium shutterstock


“There is no avoiding war; it can only be postponed to the advantage of others.”

Niccolo Machiavelli

muslim women cutting flag


“This is about guns as much as 9/11 was about airplanes.”

Anonymous Gay Trump Supporter speaking of the Pulse massacre , June 14th, 2016

jihadi shutterstock


“We have sanctuary cities all over this country, ladies and gentlemen, and sanctuary mosques.”

Mark Levin, June 13th, 2016



“It is absolutely, unequivocally not a drive toward multiculturalism regardless of what the leader-loons, and loons of the media say.   Rather, it is a massive, violent, forced agenda toward one culture, a uni-culture, or mono-culture if you will.  And yes, the English language does not acknowledge this word ‘mono-culture’, which shows you either how in denial or how indoctrinating the worldwide establishment has become.”   

Notaloon, June 12th, 2016

3 jihadis shutterstock


“I am not sitting here, some little woman standing by my man like Tammy Wynette.”

Hillary Clinton, 1992 Sixty Minutes Interview

“I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas.”

Hillary Clinton, March 26, 1992

hillary pouring tea


“Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.”




“The single disqualifying characteristic is that self-interest is her true and only moral compass.”   

Notaloon, June 9th, 2016

honorable hillary clinton


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A Blog of Conservative Thought