The Self-Saboteur and What an Open Border has in Common with Crocodiles




According to Psychology Today “Behavior is said to be self-sabotaging when it creates problems and interferes with long-standing goals.”

Would life, the act of living, be one of those long-standing goals?

Let’s take a large empty-bellied croc and two oblivious women swimmers who chose not to read the abundant signs or to read and disregard them as irrelevant to their pursuit of a walk on the beach and a great feeling swim. The croc, quite frankly, really doesn’t give a pig’s ass about the swimmers’ next birthdays.  It doesn’t give a pig’s snoot about their seeing their children  or husbands or parents again, or even frankly the plane ride home. That croc was hungry, and those women should have been paying attention.  WHY? Because the stakes were so high – precious life as they knew it to be and precious life as those who loved them knew it.  Those were the stakes.  One life is gone.  One is likely permanently traumatized.   Please don’t forget about the mourners this croc and this careless act created.

Why did these women believe the posted signs, designed to protect them,  were exaggerated, meaningless, wrong, or maybe just legal cover-your-ass signs?  Why did they disregard the many signs?  Why did they believe the signs weren’t for them? Why did they sabotage themselves?

Like the croc and the swimmers, our leader-loons, the keepers of our border, don’t care about you and me.    If they did, they would have closed the border by now.  They have a different agenda, part of that incomprehensible Prius-Bumper-Sticker-Queen kind of agenda I mentioned in another post.  Okay, it really isn’t that incomprehensible.  It is  illogical, however, to the ethical.  Of course, if you want to get as many people in the U.S. as possible to vote as a democrat, it makes a whole lot of sense, despicable none the less.

Our leader-loons are like the crocodile, and our border is like the crocodile, too.  The croc knows it is hungry.  The border knows it is open, and it shouts it far and wide, exactly like the signs designed to protect the swimmers in Australia.   And the illegal immigrants come, many of whom are supported by our government’s legalized thievery from the taxpayers’ over-extended coffers (how is that for a euphemism?)

We have drug runners crossing our border.   We have Mexican drug cartels so close I can smell their sweat. I can smell the blood too, from the severed heads.   I have seen the photos.  Hey!  Just stuff that head in a cooler, why don’t you?

They are running deadly drugs from the south all the way up to the northern border of our now not-so sovereign land.  We have a lot of young addicts and deaths here in my state.  (And I, a dutiful taxpayer, cannot readily buy Zyrtec D when it runs out because the government thinks I might be using it to make drugs in my kitchen.)

We have ISIS crossing the border.   Don’t think we don’t just because Obama and Kerry haven’t admitted it.  I would be forced to call you dumb, and that , as much as I hate to say it, is against my better nature.

Criminals, quite a garden variety of them, rapists, murders, thieves, (did I mention drug runners?) have and are crossing.   Have a chat with the dedicated, heroic sheriffs along the the border if you don’t believe, if you choose to ignore the signs.  By the way, you should probably stay away from the beaches in northern Australia, too.

Mexico loves to have their people come here.   It is estimated that a third of their population is in the U.S.   To help the ‘travelers’, the kindly Mexican government produced and distributed an instruction pamphlet for their citizens cross the border illegally and successfully.  It is an amazing read with tons of great advice, including how to know if you become dehydrated while crossing the desert, how to navigate the river’s currents, and what to do if you get detained by the authorities. Mexico really likes the money the immigrants, legal and illegal, send back to the motherland.

It is a great system really, for so many.   Mexican immigrants come here for low wage jobs.  They need more money than these jobs pay so our government gives them entitlements.  The immigrants happily ship a lot of money back to relatives in Mexico.

You and I, dear taxpayer, are paying for ourselves, paying for the leader-loon elite class, paying for the illegal and legal immigrants and subsidizing the folks living in Mexico!  What a blue light special!   No wonder Mexico’s president doesn’t like Trump.  What will happen to the ‘everyone gets something’ gravy train?

Hillary will keep the gravy train.  She might even throw in a few uranium deposits, too, if they promise to vote for her.

Are the stakes high enough for you yet?  How high do they have to get for you to comprehend the signs or do you, dear swimmer, prefer to disregard them as meaningless, irrelevant, nothing to do with you?

America, self-saboteur, know thyself!  For God’s sake, please pay attention,  especially when given ample, in your face type, warnings.


loon alert

From the article immediately above:  Border Patrol Union President Brandon Judd also testified and shed further light on the Administration’s policies, specifically its catch-and-release policies. According to Judd, the Border Patrol releases almost every illegal alien it comes into contact with — even if the alien has a criminal history.



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