Tag Archives: immorality

The LESSON OF OUR TIME – What’s with the CRICKET?

Early yesterday morning I was getting ready to take a shower.  My eye quickly noticed a dark something on the bottom of the bright, white Jacuzzi.   It was a rather meaty cricket, just sitting there as though it had nothing to do.  Its thoughts to escape any wrath of the woman staring at it were non-existent, and rightly so. 

After all, I said to myself, I don’t want to deal with this cricket right now.  The shower water is all warmed up and I am as nude as a newly born baby. Plus my coffee is going to get cold.   Nope, I said to myself.  That meaty, comatose cricket is going to wait until I am ready to take him on. 

I got in the shower.  And started talking out loud to the Lord because I was rather agitated. 

ME:  What’s with the CRICKET?  WHAT?  WHY?  It isn’t even 7 a.m. and the battles have started already?!?!  Are you kidding me?  Why?  Can I have no peace on this earth even early in the morning?!?!  What do you say for yourself? 

I ranted, never really anticipating an answer, but I got one.  Loud and clear.

LORD:  My dear, what makes you think that the cricket is going to wait for you, wait for you to do the job you should have done?  Why would the cricket do that?  You see, you must deal with problems when you first perceive the threat.  Now, while you are in this shower, you don’t even know where that cricket is.  Is it in the same place? Did it escape?  Is it hiding?  Do not let any opportunity to address a problem go, because then, your problem might no longer be a simple in-full- sight cricket.  It might be a hiding cricket with a whole population of little crickets awaiting their birth, preparing to lay 5 to 10 eggs today and maybe another 5 to 10 tomorrow.     How many crickets can one meaty, little cricket spawn?   Your problem could be compounded by the hundreds.

ME:    WOW. You don’t usually answer, at least You don’t typically answer so that I can hear You. This was loud and clear. 

LORD:  Yes.  It was.  You are dense, but not as dense as you were when you learned this hard lesson once many years ago.  You are a little quicker on the curve this time around.  For your penance, you must share this lesson, the “What’s-with-the-Cricket Lesson,” because many a good soul needs to kill the cricket sooner.   Now get out of the shower and go see if you can take care of the problem.

Out of the shower and wearing my full length, leopard, fluffy robe, I went and peaked over the edge of the Jacuzzi.  DAMN!  It wasn’t there.  IT WASN’T THERE.  My eyes scanned the length of the tub and surrounding area, and there it was, above the tub on the tile, perched sneakily nearly underneath my fabulous “HoMedics – Bubble Foot Spa with Heat Boost Power – White and Gray in color.” 

I was elated.  I knew that with the right timing I could easily twist the foot spa onto its side to come down and crush the meaty cricket and also annihilate all the eggs, those present today AND those coming in the future.

CRUNCH.  And it was over.  There was no life, just some crusty cricket dust. One fell swoop and it was over.  Nice and easy.  I hadn’t allowed the single cricket to spawn an invasive and loud colony.

Who needs the “What’s-with-the-Cricket Lesson?”  America does, to name one of many countries in need of this lesson and it is proving to be a hard, long lesson indeed.  I hope we aren’t too late.

Here is the unrelenting truth.  We didn’t stop our adversaries when they were a single, impregnated cricket.  We let the Marxist infiltrators run amok.  There is not a single area they have not infiltrated.  You name it.  They have infiltrated. 

To borrow the four points so perfectly addressed by Yuri Bezmenov, the Marxists have already demoralized and destabilized.  They will continue with these two objectives, but we have clearly entered stage three, the crisis stage.  Violence and fear are the telltale signs.  Throughout each stage it seems the Marxists work to normalize their policies, processes, and societal changes.

For example, our educational system is so emboldened they don’t even attempt to teach our students how to think, how to reason. Nope.  They teach them WHAT to believe.  And they teach them HATE for those who believe differently. More than that, the educational system leads them to believe that their hate is the moral high road and that they have the right to destroy the very foundations of our republic. Our youth become useful idiots, not realizing they are walking toward their own certain demise. The Marxists control what next generations learn and normalize the falsehoods promulgated as well. We forge on to become a society of immorality in thought, beliefs and actions. 

When was the first and sole meaty cricket of the demise of our educational system?

 Media dances the dance of death in lockstep with our educational system. The main stream media doesn’t give us news.  They give us propaganda and lies.  They launched kamikazes, killing truth in journalism. And they are proud to do it.  Nothing, and I mean nothing, they say can be trusted.

 You have to be your own fact checker because those who are hired to be are anything but. It is another irony.  Fact checkers don’t check facts, and Antifa isn’t anti-fascist.  They are the fascists.

 Media controls what we read and watch on television and on line.  They seek to drive us toward their desired end-game by feeding us ‘authoritative’ news deemed ‘authoritative’ solely because the complicit overlords say so.

 ‘Overlords’ includes our U.S. House of Representatives.  Note the pile of hogwash they recently declared with the bipartisan House Resolution 1154.  All you need to do is read the last sentence of the Resolution, but I encourage you to read it all. The final point is this:

Resolved that the House of Representatives…. 

(5) Urges all Americans, regardless of our beliefs or partisan affiliation, to seek information from authoritative sources and to engage in political debate from a common factual foundation.

In other words, all Americans must believe the spin that CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, New York Times, and the like spew.  Seriously folks, they are telling us what we MUST think regardless of facts.  Their goal is very Borg-like, very communist, and very evil.  We are to be assimilated.

Truth, pure and honest as it must be, is rapidly becoming a dangerous, underground, priceless commodity.

 The fact checkers don’t know the facts, but they are going to shove the non-facts down our throats anyway, and ridicule us if we happen to know better.  For God’s sake, don’t contradict them with the truth, because the tech overloads will cancel you.  You will not exist anywhere on social media. Your social credit points will be in the negative! (Of course, you will continue to exist on the tax rolls because they desire making us weaker and weaker with spending and with an insane amount of debt. The Marxists need the revenue, and you and I must produce it.)  They control our information under threat of ostracism if you do not succumb, and now under threat of violence as well.  Doubt me?  Please do some fact checking.

 SURREAL SIDEBAR: Wear a mask!  Any mask under threat of being denied entry or worse yet, being fined, tased or even arrested.  It doesn’t matter if the package of masks you buy says right on it….these masks protect no one from anything.

 Marxists don’t like or want religion.  More to the point, they don’t want you or me to like it or want it either. 

Churches are shuttered or sparsely attended, and only the rare preacher seeks us out to give counsel in these tumultuous times. Those who do so typically are on YouTube rather than in one to one conversations. 

As I type this, I am watching a YouTube livestream of mass at the exquisite St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan. I am watching, with only 95 others. Ninety-six of us worldwide are watching. On a good day, pre-Covid, the Cathedral could accommodate 3,000 for Mass and the tourist were a vibrant waterfall circulating at all times. Where are they now? And the Marxists rejoice.

Be careful where you put your Christmas nativity set.  Hell.  Wait.  Be careful you don’t speak the word “Christmas.”  But they will not succeed in annihilating Christianity.  Praise God, they are driving more people to it.

Criminals are set free by people entrusted to uphold law and order, and citizens protecting themselves are charged and jailed with no hope of a righteous judiciary.  ‘How dare them!  We can’t let this vigilante self-defense get out of control!  The criminals have a right to terrorize you and your family, and brake into your house, too, if they so choose.’

 The judiciary has so far strayed from their mission as outlined by the founding fathers that they make their own laws based on their own opinions right from their own little bench fiefdom.  Who would do this, you ask, naïve soul that you are.  Marxists.  Marxists do it.   Their conscience is non-existent, but their power is omnipresent and corrupted.  And lives are damaged.  Flynn, Rittenhouse….and many others.

 They want to take guns from law abiding citizens.  This isn’t to stop illegal shootings and mass attacks.  No.  It is to render us helpless from their tyrannical and diabolical goals.  Get it yet?  They are burning not only the west coast (and blaming it 100% on global warming) but they are also burning the Constitution, all the while they tell us Trump is the one damaging the Constitution. And the fact checkers enforce.

 They have blinded the people into thinking that government run health care is in our best interest.  Do you not remember the lessons of the post office?  They can’t run that either and it is a lot less complicated than health care. 

 But you see, if the government gives health care, food stamps, universal pay, housing, phones (thank you Mr. Hope and Change), safe houses for shooting heroin, the poorest people will be happier and OBEDIENT.

 Oh this is good they say! In fact, let’s make more people poor by increasing taxes.  Hell, let’s increase the hourly wage to make the poor even happier, and then we’ll tax it so we’ll have taxpayer money to bribe another foreign country for personal economic gain and power!  Oh, and screw that evil business owner in the process.

 Diabolical?  You bet.

 They want to do away with the police because with chaos they can control the population with fear.  But they want their own McMansions to have walls and security guards with guns and ammunition, which has become very difficult for us to find.

 The socialist and communist infiltrators permeating our society are our country’s crickets.  We have a veritable and deadly infestation.  What once was our country’s single cricket has now spawned trillions more. (This is an intentional reference to the size of our national debt, which is one of the greatest telltale signs of serious trouble.)

Another enormous telltale sign of the Marxists making their move in a very aggressive way is the debacle with voting. I never thought I would see the day in this country where the sanctity of the vote would be so diminished and maligned. They are taking us straight to a banana republic. We should have annihilated the crickets.

The democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden, refuses to acknowledge that there is a threat to election integrity. Doubt me? Go back and watch that section of the first debate. He says there is no evidence of a threat and that people should vote, vote, vote, and each vote will be counted. The democrats need election tampering to win. And tampering is exactly what they are in the process of doing.

And here I must say, thank the Lord for Donald Trump. He is only one man, but he is the powerhouse’s powerhouse. Without DJT, there would be absolutely no hope.

 We never tried to stop the immorality in any coordinated, inclusive, meaningful way. For the left the corruption has already been normalized. The destabilization of our voting process is in full swing.  Much of the populace has lost the ability to discern, but let the main stream media tell them what to think, and they have the blueprint for their behavior, sometimes heinous behavior.

Many of us saw it happening, but we took comfort in the strength of our Constitution and felt that the Constitution alone, with all of its great tenets would keep us strong.   (That cricket will still be in the Jacuzzi when I get out of the shower, right?)  Unfortunately, we naively believed that our executive, legislative and judiciary branches would uphold the laws of our land.  Instead, many have become power obsessed, depraved and corrupted with no respect or understanding of the magnificence of this great country.

The slippery slope is no longer either.  Instead of slippery it is abhorrent, terrifying and vicious.  The slope itself is now a cliff high above mountains of large threatening, jagged rock and we are on the edge holding on for dear life.

 I am to blame.  You are to blame.  We didn’t notice the early crickets, or if we did, we trusted it would all work out.   We didn’t take a stand.  We never confronted the cricket that started it all.

To echo the words of Yuri Bezmenov, if you let the infiltration, the infestation if you will, become too pervasive, too entrenched, too insidious, your last resort can only be the military. 

Are we there yet? Is the military the only remaining way or have we waited too long to annihilate the crickets?

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