Category Archives: Liberals

The Truth about My Neighbor

I have a neighbor who drives an older white Prius, and yes, of course she is a liberal.  How do I know that?  The power of observation I say.  I only know one conservative who drives a Prius, and he is having remorse.


Also, this democrat’s car isn’t a particularly well cared for Prius.  I mean, there aren’t any dents, no cracked windows, the lights work, it isn’t even dirty.   It’s her rear end.  It is loaded with bumper stickers.  She is the Prius Bumper Sticker Queen.

Three of her ten bumper stickers are really easy to read.  The remaining seven require either a telescope or riding her bumper like a …you guessed it…lunatic.  The three that I can speed read from the curb are “DEMOCRATS ARE HOT” (yes, smarty, it is in ALL CAPS), a ‘Tom Wolf for Governor’ sticker, and wait…here it comes….a University of Pennsylvania sticker.  Ah…what the ivory halls produce!

That Prius bumper sums it all up, doesn’t it?   On one white Prius bumper in suburbia USA, we’ve covered politics, sex, education, plus seven thoughts that are completely incomprehensible.   Not only that but also it is in my face.   I am even writing about it.

I could argue that religion is conspicuously missing from the shout outs.  I could also argue that religion is inconspicuously present because of its mere absence among the stickers of important personal identifiers.  She is Jewish, but it would be the same were she of any other religion, except perhaps were she of the Christian evangelical variety.

My point – I would like to steal that bumper in the dark of the night to preserve it in a time capsule and place it somewhere safe to be opened in a century, a scant 100 years from now.   If the good ole U.S. of A. keeps on this trajectory, a society in the future will read those telling stickers from my time capsule, and they will echo the voice of the female Jewish researcher and Pulitzer Prize winner, Ariel Durant who said “A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.”    





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