PATRIOTS! Here are SEVENTEEN Reasons to Rejoice
- Patriots are in control of the White House.
- We have communication direct from command central with no filters, and we know what is going on. Together we are informed, and stand at the ready.
- Innocent until proven guilty is still the law of the land, but admittedly selectively applied.
- Some young adults no longer listen to rap (note I did not say rap music as that is an oxymoron.)
- The deep state is in panic and turning to eat its own. “These people are stupid.” (It is Pepto Bismal time.)
- There are some fabulous alternatives to MSM. You can discover new ones everyday. If you need suggestions, use duckduckgo because Google will falsify your search results or email Notaloon for her regular must read list.
- Despite its outlandish efforts the New York Times still cannot deceive us. We were the sleeping giant, but now we are fully awake.
- We are not yet required by threat of fines or imprisonment to watch CNN’s Anderson Cooper or that Burnett woman. (Small business owners, however, are subjected to a mandatory 34 page census that is truly invasive. We pay civil servants to compile that questionnaire and do what with that information? Sorry. I digress.)
- Even some traditional liberals are acknowledging the “CRAZY.” Trust me on this one. I mean….take Dershowitz for example. But please don’t hold your HOOHAH waiting for James Carvel, Bernie Sanders, Maxine Waters, or we-must-pass-it-to-read-it Pelosi. Some levels of crazy are simply hopeless.
- The youth of previous generations actually ACED, and I mean ACED, the basics of the birds and the bees class. (well…the normies of us did anyway.)
- Rod Rosenstein has good dental hygiene which makes one less thing we have to pay for when he is in jail. (But then again, I guess we have already been paying for it…for decades. How long has RR been on our payroll? ENOUGH. Oh dear….I digress again.)
- We have 8chan. (One moment please – to hold the owner in prayer.) Please note I am not thanking the Masters of the Universe. We use their resources as a tool which can be replaced as easily as though they are covered wagons, unless of course, they become the fourth branch of our government.
- Be very thankful. You are not Alex Jones.
- While Europe’s various cultures are being strangled to death by the EU and uncontrolled immigration, we are truly unshackling the strangleholds held on us by the deep state, despite their devious and not-so-gun-free domestic war tactics.
nuf said Next up – illegal immigration! But we must annihilate the deep state first or there will never be a stop to illegal immigration. ONWARD, Patriots! We have a job to do.
- Popcorn is not high calorie snack unless butter is used indiscriminately. Pop it up and enjoy the show. Every day gives us hope. Relish each moment as fortunately, the cabal is revealed before us. How deep it runs and how inbred! We shall, we must, overcome.
- When your blood pressure soars in righteous indignation, relax knowing that we are in the right and history will prove it so. In the meantime, to calm yourself down, listen to some battle ready music. This is our last fight if we don’t win. Enjoy each moment for there ‘AIN’T NO STOPPING US NOW.’ Sing and dance it with Luther. “Don’t let nothing stand in your way.”
17. And the final reason to be thankful – you are not Chelsea Clinton’s mother.
It continues to be battle armor time. Trust the Plan. It is a brilliant,
Quintessential plan.
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